A simple, clean and uplifting identity for Capo

Capo Juices
Branding, Packaging, Strategy

Capo was born out of a fascination with juicing that got out of hand. Before long, the founders had bought a food truck and claimed a regular spot as their own turf for business breakfast and lunchtimes. They came to us at the brand’s earliest stages, before even the name or proposition had been solidified, and asked us to do everything we could to make the Capo brand a reality.


Naming notwithstanding, we set about creating a simple, clean and uplifting identity for Capo – one that wasn’t heavy handed or self righteous in its messaging, but quietly confident about the superfood credentials of Capo’s offering from top to bottom. The central marque shows the letters of Capo arranged diagonally, conveying upward progression and the steady commitment needed to live a healthy lifestyle. Our colour palette is natural and slightly understated, making sure that the vivid colour of each juice always takes centre stage.


Our remit was, essentially, to make the brand look much bigger than it actually was initially – designing striking, but minimal labels that showed off the unique colouring of each of Capo’s juices, and creating slightly suggestive outdoor campaigns to really capture the imagination of the general public, and make sure that the brand is recognised and appreciated on its own terms.