UX UI Agency

UI and UX Design Agency in Manchester.

UI and UX design should be standard when creating a website, and at our agency, it absolutely is.

We believe every digital design agency should also be a UX design agency. Why? Because the two are synonymous with one another. You could have the best looking website in the world, but it also has to feel right to the user and deliver their needs exactly in order to be a success and result in your KPI’s being hit as a business. That’s where UX and UI design come in, and at our agency in Manchester, it’s a key focus for us throughout the entire process.

UX UI Agency

A question we hear a lot is – what is UX design? Well, UX design revolves around the user experience, focusing on how people navigate and interact with your website. It differs from UI design, which centres around the look and layout of the site. Both UI and UX design principles go hand-in-hand, something reflected in the way in which we do things here at BGN.

Our process when it comes to web design overall is very thorough, including our approach to UX design. We begin our user testing prototyping stage and take it right through to the final versions of the website. Whilst a component on a website could look fantastic and align with the goals of your business, if it’s not how a user wants to interact with a website or it’s not where they would expect it to be in terms of navigation, then it’s rendered useless. Our UX design agency is all about a balance between what looks great, is functional and provides an exceptional experience for the user, supported by our approach to web development.


Our UX and UI Services

Speed and Performance

Testing speed and performance from a UX perspective is absolutely essential. Modern consumers have so much choice where they want to shop or look for a service and so you need to make sure you provide a website that loads quickly, particularly on mobile. There is more emphasis on UX design now than ever before following the Core Web Vitals update that focuses on providing a quick and consistent experience, including how stable a page is and how quickly different elements take to load. As a UX design agency, throughout the web design and development process, we focus on ensuring that the website performs from both an SEO perspective in terms of speed and performance, as well as focusing on it from a UX design perspective.

Regression Testing

Regression testing as part of UX design is key, as this software testing ensures that no new code throughout the development process interrupts existing code to disrupt the user experience. As there are consistent changes throughout website builds and designs, as a UX focused design agency, regression testing is an important part of the process for our team in Manchester.

Technical Specification Functionality

An important stage of the UX design process for us as an agency is setting out the functional specifications. This involves outlining specifications about what different elements of the website need to deliver, to ensure the various elements, functionality, content and animation on the website are contributing to the overall user experience.

Form Submissions

Considering UX design when creating forms is absolutely key, as the most minor details can deter a user from wanting to submit a form and therefore, you lose a potential enquiry. From the fields that you choose to include through to the CTA’s, creating a success URL for accurate analytics tracking and a confirmation message, there is a lot to consider. Plenty of thought, planning and market research goes into form submissions at our UX design agency in Manchester.

Checkout Process

Getting the checkout process right is one of the most important factors from a UX design perspective. The most difficult part of getting a user to convert is during the checkout process, as there are many minor factors that can cause a user to leave the site and not complete a purchase. From providing total cost and offering to add a discount code as soon as possible through to providing a wide variety of payment options, building trust with indicators of site security and reducing form-filling to a minimum. Carefully considering the checkout process is vital to us as a UX design agency in Manchester.

Our Process As A UX Agency

As with any of our processes, we always start off with thinking before doing.

Identifying Core Goals

The first stage of our UX design process is to work with you to identify the core goals of your website, conduct initial user research, then create a plan for the different phases of user testing throughout the build.


Following essential UI and UX design principles, our agency will then develop interactive wireframes with your target audience in mind. Working to create a simple, intuitive interface that can be quickly mastered by users. Our relentless testing process allows us to make sure our proposed designs work in practice, not only in theory.

Analysis & Testing

From here, we’ll be looking into what UX design is bringing to the site and analysing what could be improved upon, through a number of different testing phases that will have been conducted up until this part of the build.

Bug Fixing

Any bugs found during this testing are logged, fixed and used to continually examine the design against our fundamental UI and UX design principles.


Finally, we will ensure deployment goes smoothly. Our refined, efficient approach to UX design makes us the agency of choice for many established and up-and-coming brands, both in Manchester and across the UK.

UX Agency - FAQ's

What is the difference between UI and UX Design?

UI and UX design differ in that UX design (user experience) is focused on how a user navigates and interacts with your website, as well as whether or not the website meets their requirements and encourages them to make a purchase, submit a form or complete another conversion goal for the website. UI design (user interface) is more focused on the look and layout of the website to make sure it’s easily navigable and a user can simply complete actions you want them to take. They do go hand in hand, and an experienced UI and UX design agency will incorporate both as a core focus throughout the design and development stages of a website, on both eCommerce and lead generation websites.

Why work with a UX-focused design agency?

UX design should be a focus throughout a website build, so you have every opportunity to implement positive changes and save time and money in the process. That’s exactly what our UX design agency in Manchester helps you to do. From the very beginning of our process, as early as the prototyping change, we incorporate UX testing to ensure at every phase of the build, we’re considering the end product and the target user. No opportunity to improve UX design is overlooked in our process, as our team specialise in creating a well researched and engaging user experience. Not only do you access a website that looks fantastic, clearly demonstrates your brand, allows brand innovation, showcases unique selling points and is highly functional, but you also know that it’s going to deliver what you need it to for your users thanks to the UX design focus.

What stage of a website build should UX testing begin?

We’re strong believers that UX testing should begin when the website build begins and it certainly is at our UX design agency. Considering what you want the website to deliver and what actions you want people to take should be an important part of the initial strategy, along with user research and plans for the UX design and how it will be analysed throughout the project. From here, the UI and UX design principles can be outlined and explored in more detail as we begin to develop interactive wireframes. Whilst an idea could be highly effective in theory, we use meticulous testing phases to ensure this theory is backed up with evidence, so we know that our UX designs will work in practice.

What are the benefits of good UX design?

  • Increase value - when a user has an exceptional experience on a website thanks to good UX design, it builds trust and therefore the value of your product or service in the eyes of the user
  • Increases competitiveness - users want a website that delivers exactly what they are looking for, so when time and effort has been put into that by a UX design agency throughout the build, you will outperform your competitors
  • Strong return on investment - spending the time and money to get your UX design right can significantly improve the conversion rate of your website
  • Brand reputation - a website is the front of your business, so when it consistently performs well and impresses a user, they will naturally gravitate towards your brand for that product or service
  • Customer acquisition and retention - with a fantastic user experience on your website, you’re more likely to engage new customers and then retain them in the future
  • Reduced development costs - often when your project involves a UX design agency from the beginning, there are fewer unknowns throughout the process, helping to reduce costs and save time.

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