Craft CMS

Craft CMS Developers in Manchester.

At BGN, our team of Craft CMS developers in Manchester build and design fast, highly functional and exceptionally good looking websites.

As Craft CMS developers with a background in branding and web design, we specialise in utilising this great content management system to strike an ideal balance between functionality and style. In terms of lead generation businesses, we would highly recommend Craft as a CMS, and as developers we are confident that our team will exceed your expectations in terms of creating a website that will help your business to hit its goals and provide a fantastic first impression for users being introduced to your brand, to push you in front of the competition. Having a great website is more important than ever, and our team of Craft CMS developers in Manchester are ready to help you create one.

Craft CMS

Our development team loves Craft as a CMS, as it gives us the room to build to the highest standard without having to use any predefined themes or templates. Every business is different, and so is what they need from their website. We can create highly custom websites that exactly meet your requirements through this CMS. Additionally, one of the main reasons that we recommend Craft as a CMS is that it is renowned for outperforming other content management systems in terms of speed. The core building blocks of the platform are much more streamlined and stripped back, so developers like us can build highly customised websites without unnecessary additional code, plugins and themes.

As Craft CMS website designers, our experienced team in Manchester has an exceptional eye for detail, from the initial brand research and wireframing processes right through to final testing, so you know you can put your trust in us to go above and beyond. As an agency, we’ve worked on small projects as well as much larger website builds using Craft, so we’re very well equipped to build and design a website that exceeds your expectations.


Our Craft Web Design and Development Services

Back End Craft Development

For us as Craft web developers in Manchester, backend web development on this platform is ideally suited to our style, as we are able to build fast and reliable websites from scratch that exactly meet the needs of our clients. When the server-side foundations of a CMS are there, the website is already set up for success. Then, the right Craft web development agency can build on these foundations.

Front End Craft Development

The user interface and user experience elements of a website are known as front end development, where Craft CMS web developers will build everything the user sees on the website. From perfecting navigation menus to careful considerations of CTA’s and forms, a combination of a well built back end and then a highly functional front end results in a successful experience for the user and therefore your business benefits.

Craft Website Design

Once the back end and front end development phases are complete, the design element can begin to bring the website to life. Without components like digital artwork, branding and animation, your website won’t be recognisable to your brand and a lack of character could drive users to other websites. As a benefit of using the Craft CMS as web developers is that we can build fast websites, we always ensure that the design components like video and motion don’t slow the website down, as a great looking website that takes a long time to load isn’t very useful.

UX Testing

UX testing is conducted throughout the Craft website build and design by our web developers in Manchester, to ensure that every element of your website, and therefore the user journey, is geared towards a fantastic user experience. When UX testing is a core part of the process, rather than an afterthought, the journey to creating a website that aligns with all of the business goals is much more streamlined, saving time and money.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

After the successful completion of your website, having a maintenance plan helps to keep your website in great condition, ensure the security is up to date and overall just provides that support that will likely be required if you don’t have in-house web developers who have worked with Craft.

Our Craft Web Development Process

As with any of our processes, we always start off with thinking before doing.

Analysis & Research

We begin with an analysis and research phase to learn everything there is to know about your business and what you’re wanting to achieve. We combine this with our experience as Craft CMS web developers to plan a direction to take the build in.


We can then put together the wireframes, which map out how space will be allocated, where call to actions will be, the positioning of video and motion components, different functionalities and overall just the core structure of the page. Branding and graphic details come slightly later in the process.


Our Craft web developers will then start developing the website, utilising their knowledge, experience and attention to detail to meet all of your criteria and surpass your expectations. We’re confident you’ll love our work, but this is always a collaborative process, so we are more than happy to take feedback throughout.


The thorough final testing phase can then begin. Our Craft web development agency is slightly different in that we conduct thorough testing throughout the process, however, this is the final stage to ensure that in every eventuality, your website delivers what it should be.

Deployment & Maintenance

From here, we deploy the website and help manage the migration if you’re moving to Craft from another CMS, then our developers make a website maintenance plan.

Craft CMS Web Design Agency - FAQs

Benefits of Craft CMS for design agencies

As a Craft web development agency, we love working with this CMS as it’s such a diverse platform. So, whether we’re working on a smaller project or a much larger one, we’re able to combine our skills with the strong building blocks that Craft offers to build your website from scratch and to the highest standard. Craft is also great for responsive designs which is a focus for us as Craft web designers, as optimising a website for mobile is absolutely essential for long term success.

Advantages of Craft for website owners

There are plenty of advantages to using Craft as a CMS for website owners:

  • Easy content management: Craft as a CMS makes it incredibly easy to manage content, from blogs to duplicating pages, with intuitive control panels
  • Flexibility: it’s an open canvas, so if you want to work with Craft web developers in the future again to add new functionality to your site, it will be possible.
  • Community support: there is plenty of community support available for Craft website owners to help you with the day to day running of your website
  • Security: Craft is very secure as a CMS, utilising OpenSSL to protect accounts

Are your Craft websites bespoke?

Every part of our Craft web development and design process is fully bespoke. This is why we like working with Craft as a CMS, as it provides a blank canvas to build on, which not only creates a website that is exactly what you want and need for your business, but it also reduces unneeded code that can slow websites down. When you choose us as your Craft CMS web developers, you know that it will result in a completely bespoke website that will set you apart from your competitors.

Does Craft support SEO?

Craft is a great platform if you want to emphasise your SEO strategy, with the possibility of implementing all of the usual features you’d need for a successful SEO campaign, as well as the fact that Craft websites are extremely quick. Following the Core Web Vitals update in 2021, there was an increased focus from Google on page speed and performance as a ranking factor, and so providing your users with a fast website that also has a strong SEO strategy behind it will give you a great chance of increasing your organic visibility.

In need of direction?

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