Creating a brand and packaging range that Excels for small animal lovers.

Burgess Excel

Branding, Campaign, Digital, Packaging, Print, Strategy and Video

The Story

Burgess are a well established and trusted pet food supplier in the UK. Their hero products, the Excel range of small animal food, were already successful and loved by vets and customers alike. Burgess felt it was time for a refresh of the brand and packaging to ensure it stood out both in-store and online, against its competitors.

Small animal owners want the best for their furry little friends, we carried out a strategy piece and market research to find out exactly what they wanted from their food supplier.Starting with customer insights, we created a brand promise that inspired initial creative ideas for the new packaging. A market research piece revealed valuable information around what customers actually see and remember when viewing both the existing Excel range and products from competitors. This data informed the overall pack hierarchy, which were created as wireframes before any design or subjectivity was applied.


The existing Excel identity was shown by research to have equity with existing customers, people recognised the word marque and associated it with the trusted product. Instead of redesigning this logo, we set about redrawing it, tidying up imperfections but also creating a lock up that tied Excel to Burgess in a much more obvious way.

Full range

Taking on our wireframes and the new, refined Burgess Excel identity, we created a full range of designs for every product in the range, each with their own colour system, making it easy for customers to find the product they need quickly and easily and see all the benefits to their small animal.