
Animation & Motion Design Agency in Manchester.

Motion based marketing is proven to earn the most engagement, whatever the platform. Let our motion design agency help you deliver on that promise.

Motion design commands attention like no other form of content does, helping you to convey what words alone can’t. High quality animated content that resonates with users and clearly highlights the benefits of your product can transform your brand and business. Modern consumers are tough to impress, but we know how to do it right. At our animation and motion design agency in Manchester, we’re experts in creating animated content that grips your target audience, tells your brand’s story and ultimately, encourages them to become your customer or client.


At BGN, we’re big believers that our work does the talking for us. Have a look at some of our projects that show how we can bring your brand to life, whether for social media campaigns, web design and development, for digital campaigns or anything in between. We get to know you and your business through and through, highlight your goals for the motion design and then our extremely talented team will get to work on reframing existing narratives to enhance your brand and to help you compete in the saturated world of video and motion content. We’re confident that our motion design team in Manchester will exceed your expectations. 

Our Motion Design Services

2D Animation

Our animation design agency can utilise 2D animation for your video and motion content if it aligns with your goals, whether it’s more of a simple animation or something more complex with characters and special effects. 2D animation can be highly effective in telling your brand’s story in an engaging and unique way.

3D Animation

If you’re really wanting to win over audiences, often 3D animation is the way to do it. It can be tailored to a whole host of different industries, whether you’re wanting to achieve a more realistic finish to the animation or a cartoon-style design is more apt. Effective animation design requires a strong combination of creativity and technicality, which our animation design agency team in Manchester certainly has.

Explainer Content

If you’re wanting to explain abstract, complex or even more simple concepts in an engaging and easily accessible way through your motion design, then explainer videos utilising animation are the way to do that. Whether you’re a new brand wanting to show what you’re about or an existing brand looking for a new product or service presentation, choosing explainer videos could be a good fit for your business.

Product Run Throughs

Showcasing and promoting a new product is often done most effectively with a product run through. Getting users attention from launch is key with new products, which is possible through creating excitement and buzz with a product run through created by the right motion design agency team. Usually short, concise but extremely engaging, you can clearly demonstrate key information and benefits to show what sets your product apart.

Social Assets

Social media platforms are extremely saturated with video, so creating exceptional content to set your brand apart is essential. If a user is seeing upwards of 10 adverts a day, likely more depending how much time they spend on social media, you need to give the user a reason to choose you over a competitor. Exceptional campaign content from an experienced animation and motion design agency is the way to do it!

Website Assets

Users are increasingly wanting to access information and content on websites quicker, which is where motion website assets come in. Explain a concept or product in seconds that would take hundreds of words of text otherwise. Our motion design team in Manchester specialise in video and motion content that is interactive and engaging, whilst minimising the impact video has on the speed of your website with the help of our web development team.

Our Motion Design Process As An Agency


First up, our motion design team in Manchester takes the time to get to know your business. Understanding the small details can make all the difference when it comes to how effectively a brand’s product or service is conveyed through video or animation, so this step is never overlooked at our animation agency.


After our initial meetings, we kick things off the motion design process with storyboarding to provide a graphic representation. We map out each shot, all chosen in line with the objectives of your campaign. Establishing the actual structure and format before going in with the creative design elements with animation is important to ensure the core goals behind the content are achieved.


The next phase of the animation and motion design process at our agency is bringing the storyboard to life with an animatic, an initial edit that brings the different shots together, without the final design components or polished transitions.


From here, we will introduce a few more final concepts to allow you to choose a final direction for the motion design that best suits your brand and delivers on your business aims. We then start to complete the animation content, recording voice overs if needed and completing final edits.


Finally, we present the motion design, request feedback and make any final adjustments.

FAQ's About Our Motion Design Agency

What is motion design?

No matter if you are just starting out, or already have a fully-fledged business, utilising effective motion design is a great way to attract your audience, build engagement with your brand and also innovate your brand. Motion design revolves around any video or animated content that your brand creates for marketing. It is important to understand that motion content is one of the most powerful tools that you have as a brand, whether you opt for 2D or 3D animation, product run throughs, explainer videos or anything in between.

A great benefit of motion content is that it can easily be tailored to any business and any platform. No matter if it's 30 seconds or 5 minutes long, it will get engagement if it is created and advertised well. As one of the leading motion design agencies in Manchester, we understand exactly what you need to build that interaction. We can help you to determine the right content type for your brand and how it would work with your overall marketing strategy.

Is motion design important for a good marketing strategy?

Yes, motion design is a key part of an effective overall marketing strategy. Video and animation are powerful ways to engage and communicate with your target audience. It allows you to convey complex messages in a simple and easily digestible format, and it can help you tell a compelling story that resonates with your viewers. 

Motion content is known to increase engagement and conversion rates on paid platforms, as well as to help from an SEO perspective by improving UX, to enhance your search engine rankings, as search engines often prioritise video content in their results pages. Motion design content can also help you build brand awareness and authority, as it allows you to showcase your products, services, and expertise in a visually compelling way.

Overall, if done well, animated content can be an effective marketing strategy that can help you achieve your business goals. Our motion design agency in Manchester is here to help you do just that!

Why is motion content marketing so effective?

There are several reasons why motion marketing is so effective and working with an animation and motion design agency can benefit your business:

Captures attention: Motion content is engaging and can quickly capture the attention of your audience, especially when compared to other forms of content such as text-based content.

Builds trust and credibility: Videos can help build trust and credibility with your audience as they allow you to showcase your products or services in an authentic and transparent way.

Conveys information quickly and easily: Motion design allows you to convey complex information quickly and easily, making it easier for your audience to understand your message.

Appeals to emotions: Video advertising can be emotionally powerful and can help create a connection with your audience. By creating an emotional connection through motion design, you can increase engagement and build a loyal following.

Increases visibility: Motion based content is highly shareable and can increase your brand’s visibility across different social media platforms and other online channels.

Provides versatility: Animations can be used in a variety of ways, such as for product demonstrations, customer testimonials, educational content, and more. This versatility allows you to create content that resonates with your audience and meets your specific marketing goals.

Overall, working with a motion design agency in your marketing campaign can be a highly effective way to reach your target audience, build your brand, and achieve your marketing goals.

What motion content is most popular?

The most popular motion content varies depending on the audience, platform, and marketing goals, but here are some types of animation and motion design that we utilise at our agency in Manchester help to set your brand apart:

Explainers: Short, informative forms of motion design that explain a product, service, or concept. They can be animation or live-action, and they often use visuals and narration to simplify complex ideas.

How-to: Instructional videos that teach viewers how to do something. They can be used to showcase your products or services, and they can help build trust with your audience by providing value and demonstrating expertise.

Product demonstrations: Showcase your products in action. They can be created by a motion design agency to highlight product features, benefits, and use cases, and they can help convince potential customers to make a purchase.

Customer testimonials: Feature satisfied customers sharing their positive experiences with your products or services. They can help build trust and credibility with your audience by providing social proof of your brand's value.

Brand storytelling: This type of motion design tells your brand's story and values. They can help build brand awareness, connect with your audience on an emotional level, and differentiate your brand from competitors.

These are just a few examples of popular types of motion content, and the most effective type depends on your specific marketing goals and target audience. This is something that our animation and motion design agency in Manchester can help you to establish.

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