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An Introduction to the Main Elements of Brand Design

An Introduction to the Main Elements of Brand Design

Brand design is one of the most important parts of the branding process. Let’s start by defining it. Simply put, brand design is the process of creating a brand’s identity. If you think that sounds easy, think again. All the elements of brand design have to play off each other to convey a unified statement. The twist is that you’re competing against many other companies, all working towards the same goal – to pique a customer’s interest. Designing your brand is your big chance to explain to potential customers why your products and services are better than your competitors’.

In order to attract potential customers, your brand design needs to tell your company’s story in a concise and captivating way. With competition between businesses sharper than ever and attention spans shrinking by the second, it’s never been harder to stand out from the rest. That’s why breaking down brand design to its elementary components is so helpful. By adjusting every aspect of your brand design to your USPs, making that big statement will be a lot easier.

Read on as we walk you through the main elements of brand design.


The history of branding is full of catchy slogans that have left their mark on public consciousness. “Just do it”; “I’m lovin’ it”. “Eat fresh”. Unless you’ve spent your entire life living under a rock, chances are that you’ll know who all these phrases belong to. That’s because the best slogans work as stand-ins for their brands.

A slogan is much more than a memorable phrase that persuades potential customers to buy a product. It’s a way of defining your brand and showing its personality to the world. It’s not unlike trying to paint a Van Gogh on the world’s smallest canvas. Your slogan needs to encapsulate the uniqueness of your brand in just a few words whilst making a lasting impact on your target audience.


Think about going to the supermarket to buy groceries. You’ve done it so many times that it has almost become an unconscious process. You walk through the aisles on autopilot, filling your basket with tea, muesli and baked beans. But if you stop and think, you’ll notice that you tend to go for products with logos you immediately recognise. This is because they evoke a sense of familiarity and because you associate them with good quality. You might even try a company’s new product because you know what they stand for. That is the level of trust that a good logo can build up over the years.

Not even the world’s best slogan could attract customers without a great logo. Arranging images, symbols and words to express the essence and purpose of your company is a crucial part of brand design.

Typography and colour scheme

These two concepts involve the colours and fonts you use in your designs and products. Just like a slogan is nothing without a logo, a logo can’t grab a customer’s attention without a recognisable typography and colour scheme. If a particular colour is known to represent your brand and its values, you’re doing something right.

Think of Starbucks’s use of green and a stately, no-frills font in white. It evokes healthy, eco-friendly products for busy professionals in desperate need of a caffeine rush. Colour and typography therefore help build brand recognition and instil a sense of professionalism that will make your business seem more credible and trustworthy.

Design your brand with care

Want to nail your brand design but aren’t sure where to start? At BGN, our brand consultants in Manchester will carefully review your business and come up with a brand design that encapsulates your mission statement and values. Get in touch with us today to learn more about how we can help you create a standout brand strategy.