
Packaging Design Agency in Manchester.

We believe that you don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression.

And when it comes to raising, challenging or setting the standard within a category, your visual brand identity and pack design is always a good starting point.

Your visual brand identity can not only help you stand out and be distinctive versus your competitors but it is also an opportunity to visually tell a clear and compelling story about your brand and product.


More brands than ever are realising that investing in a packaging design agency can be the difference between their product flying off the shelves, or slowly being withdrawn from them. Branding packaging can be one of the most recognisable things about your product to the consumer.

It can be difficult to know what types of creative packaging will suit your product, and your company, which is where our packaging design agency comes in. We can create the most eye-catching and creative packaging design that will attract your target market and solidify your brand identity to the general public. As an experienced packaging design agency based in Manchester, we’re proud of our portfolio featuring expertly crafted and well-designed product packaging design campaigns.

Our Packaging Design Services

Positioning Territories

Considering the context in which your product packaging will circulate is essential to ensure it’s relatable and can easily be associated with by consumers, as well as to ensure brand innovation. By analysing the territories your products will be in, your packaging design will be competitive within your specific markets, which is always a focus when you choose BGN.

Distinctive Asset ID and Development

Focus needs to be put on ensuring your products are distinguishable, made possible through well designed asset ID’s as part of the packaging design process. Unique brand assets help to evoke a sense of individuality, as well as asset ID’s providing practicality for your brand.


Packcepts, or packaging concepts, are used to showcase early stage concepts of packaging and graphics, an important phase of our collaborative packaging design approach with our clients. As a packaging design agency in Manchester, we want to ensure we’re maximising commercial opportunities whilst also allowing your brand to shine.

Pack Format Scoping

With pack format scoping, we analyse the scope of the packaging design across a range of different formats, whether that be physical goods or digital campaigns. This ensures that the packaging design has longevity for your brand across platforms.

Visual Identity Design

Having a brand that represents who you are as a company and differentiates you from others is essential, which is made possible with a thorough visual identity design. Remaining recognisable, whilst also evolving with a complex consumer market, is key.

Pack Design

From here, our packaging design team begins the pack design. Every element of your packing design is mapped out, from typography to graphic elements and colour palettes to legal requirements. This is a one-stop-shop for your entire packaging concept, tying together your visual and verbal brand identity into one.


Establishing an effective brand and packaging is more than just a logo and colour palette. Your brand artwork covers key components that focus on the core visual elements of your packaging design. This is about establishing a cohesive idea of how you want to visually present your brand.

Our Packaging Design Process As An Agency

As with any of our processes, we always start off with thinking before doing.


There are many steps in the packaging design process at our agency, which sets us apart from every other agency, with a focus on making sure our branding packaging strategies really communicate your brand’s ethos.


One of the first steps we take in our creative packaging design plan is to really study your brand, making sure we’re taking into consideration your product to the fullest extent. We take what makes your brand iconic and utilise it to create forward thinking, exceptional packaging.


We will then begin to map out the packaging, from highly specific placements of the product name and logo through to legally required icons and marks. Every element of this stage when you choose our packaging design agency in Manchester is focused on optimising the packaging for commercial success.


During this process we create multiple variations of the packaging and then collect feedback, to ensure that we are accurately telling your brand’s story whilst also creating customer centric designs that we know will resonate with consumers.

Refinement & Artwork

Once you’ve chosen a stand-out concept (or combination of different concepts) from our creative packaging pitches, we’ll refine it and take you all the way to production. Our packaging design agency works meticulously through every step of the process to create fantastic packaging for your brand.

FAQ's About Our Packaging Design Agency

What is packaging design?

Your product’s packaging design refers to the material your product comes in. As well as practical considerations including how your packaging holds your product and how it is opened by your customer, it is vital that your packaging is designed to suit modern consumers, to give you the competitive edge and to clearly convey your brand’s identity. We then also roll out your updated packaging across both digital design platforms and non-digital platforms.

What do you look at when you select products from the supermarket? When you choose something different than what you normally do, think about the reasons behind this. It could be the price, but more often that not it’s just the allure of the product. Packaging design is a key part of what draws new customers to your product. 

A good, creative packaging design concept takes everything into consideration, starting with brand research to identify your space in the market and what we need to do to set you apart. Our packaging design agency in Manchester goes above and beyond to exceed your expectations.

Why invest in product packaging design?

You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. Packaging needs to tell a compelling story about your brand and product. This is where our creative packaging design team comes in - a good packaging design campaign will make your company stand out amongst the rest. It will also communicate your brand’s story, vision, and ethos.

An investment in packaging design goes beyond the artwork on the box. Everything needs to be considered, from the materials used to make the product to the way your audience will open it. Good packaging design can transform how consumers look at your product and your business.

Choose our packaging design agency in Manchester, get it right and you’ll earn a prime place on the shelves.

What makes a good packaging design?

One of the first things to consider when establishing a strong packaging design is who will be buying the product? Analysis of your market and customer base is paramount at our experienced packaging design agency. Your packaging design should consider who your likely customer base is, so it can appeal to them and attract their attention. Targeting your product’s likely audience through the product packaging design could lead to a higher customer retention rate and customer loyalty. 

Secondly, we would consider where your product will be displayed. If you’re selling your product online, our packaging design pitch would consider this. We would also consider what your product will likely be sold next to. This will allow us to create engaging, creative packaging that will stand out on the website or shelves it’s being sold on. 

Thirdly, our packaging design agency will carefully consider the materials that will make up your packaging design. For example, if you’re an eco-friendly brand, a good branding packaging strategy would be to create your packaging out of sustainable materials. This would be a great way to attract potential customers. 

When you work with our packaging design agency in Manchester, it’s a fully collaborative process to strike the perfect balance between your passion for your brand and our industry knowledge. 

What is the most important role of packaging?

There are many important roles that the packaging of your product has when it comes to its commercial success. In our opinion, the most important roles of your packaging design are to clearly convey the key selling points of your product, through creative packaging design that catches the eye, sets your product apart and brings your brand to life. Ensure you have a creative packaging design that works closely with your product to ensure a packaging strategy that solidifies your brand’s role in the marketplace.

What are the benefits of packaging design?

Great packaging design can reinforce your brand identity and make consumers more aware of your brand. The more your target market experiences your company name, logo, colours and unique packaging design, the faster they’ll be able to recognise your brand. On average, it takes between 5-7 impressions for a customer to easily recognise your brand. If your product packaging design is creative and eye-catching, customer brand recognition will be a lot easier to achieve.

Top quality, protective packaging can also increase positive reviews of your product. While it’s important for the consumer to recognise creative packaging, if it doesn’t protect your product during shipping or in the car home, people will criticise your brand online and through word of mouth. We live in a world where consumers now scour the internet for reviews before committing to a product, especially if you’re selling your product online. Our packaging design agency in Manchester is committed to mixing both creative design and protective materials to elevate your product amongst its competitors.

To many consumers, packaging design reflects product quality. An effective and carefully constructed branding packaging plan will ensure that your product is promoting itself on the shelves or online in the best way. Your packaging design is an effective marketing tool in itself- make sure you get creative packaging design that considers your brand’s identity in order to sell your product.

The art of packaging design is incredibly important when considering the success of your product in the marketplace. Our packaging design agency takes every avenue into consideration to create stunning and practical designs that will protect and promote your product all in one. Here at BGN, we take our product packaging designs to the next level in order to deliver effective, stunning packaging that customers will notice. We take your brand’s needs into consideration and explore every avenue to create branding packaging that will aid your company’s success.

Make sure your brand and your product stand out in the best way possible by exploring our packaging design services.

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