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Settling In At Neo

Settling In At Neo

After just over a month, we can safely say we are well settled in on the second floor of Neo. The reception has been extremely positive so far, with several clients popping in over the past few weeks for a nosey.

For anyone we haven’t seen yet, or that hasn’t heard of Neo – it’s Bruntwood’s flagship workspace on Charlotte Street, just off Portland Street. Face Caffè Nero and look up, that’s Neo. We’ve been here since it first opened, and have quickly gotten into the swing of things – making the most of the space and sipping that sweet, sweet iPad-made coffee.

Now we are settled in, we’re slowly but surely planning our launch party. A bit delayed, we know, but better late than never. We’ll be battering social as soon as we’ve got more to announce, so sit tight for now and we’ll make sure we come up with something that’s worth the wait.