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6 Simple Things You Can Do to Increase Brand Identity

6 Simple Things You Can Do to Increase Brand Identity

Your brand identity is what differentiates you from the competition. It consists of a distinctive set of elements like logos, typography, colours, packaging and messaging that communicate your company’s mission and values to potential customers.

It’s hard to overstate the importance of a strong brand identity. It tells people what you’re all about and ensures that your business is easily recognisable, no matter where your products or content pops up. Over time, this familiarity builds trust and credibility to ultimately increase your profits.

So how do you increase awareness of your brand identity? Read on to find out…

6 ways to increase your brand identity

Create a memorable logo and a catchy tagline

Your logo should represent what your company does and what you stand for. Keep it simple using your brand colours, a distinct graphic and a clear font that is scalable.

Catchy taglines are also great for brand recognition, as they stick in people’s minds. They can be tricky to create as you only have a few words to work with, but they are highly effective – think “Every Little Helps” by Tesco.

Engage on social

While you don’t have to be on every social media platform, you should be on the most relevant ones for your company and target audience.

It’s also vital that you don’t just post content without engaging with your followers. Include clear CTAs in your captions, use polls to ask questions and reply to comments. That way, you’ll develop a relationship and appear in their notifications.

Share your story

Your brand is more than just a logo. Sharing the story behind your brand will set you apart from your competitors and create connections with people who can relate to your purpose and aims.

Be authentic and show some personality. Highlight struggles as well as successes, and explain why you feel what you offer is important and benefits for the end user.

Provide value on a regular basis

One of your best promotional tools is email marketing. After all, it’s much easier to sell to existing customers and warm leads than new clients.

As well as promoting your offering, provide value in your mailshots with links to useful blog posts and provide exclusive discounts to reward loyalty and aid satisfaction. Make sure emails are responsive on mobile devices and stick to a regular schedule for better open rates.

Be consistent

Visual consistency helps to build brand recognition and trust. Although your print material may differ from your online assets in terms of format and the copy you include, the colours, theme, fonts and messaging should remain consistent.

Creating a clear set of brand guidelines for designers to refer to, is a great way to ensure a cohesive look and feel throughout your marketing.

Monitor and adapt

Lastly, you should regularly assess and refine your brand identity to remain competitive in the marketplace. Survey your customers to see how they feel about your brand and identify the message you’re giving out – if it’s not what you were aiming for, make some changes to meet your goals.

You should also monitor social media comments and reviews to see what people are saying about your brand, and track the demographics of those who are engaging with you and buying your products, to make sure you’re reaching your target audience.

Need help with your brand identity?

Strengthening your brand identity is no mean feat. Thankfully, the team at BGN have a wealth of experience building brand identities for clients of all shapes and sizes. Contact our dedicated branding agency in Manchester today and we will guide you through the process step by step.