Stakeholder Alignment

Stakeholder Alignment and Onboarding Agency.

Stakeholder alignment and brand onboarding is all about ensuring that everyone invested in your business, whether that’s a shareholder, client or customer, has the same thorough understanding of the business, its branding, its core values and what it stands for. We can analyse where there are gaps in your current alignment and brand onboarding strategy using a brand research phase, then align your brand aims with your business goals to design a successful process.

We can analyse where there are gaps in your current alignment and brand onboarding strategy, then align your brand aims with your business goals to design a successful process.

Stakeholder Alignment

At BGN, our stakeholder alignment, customer and client onboarding agency focuses on tasks like the following:

● Stakeholder interviews

● Leadership alignment workshop(s)

● Creation of a strategic narrative

● Evaluating and refining your brand values

● Deciding upon an appropriate rallying cry to guide the brand onboarding process

Our onboarding agency can proceed with focus groups, questionnaires, surveys or potentially one-on-one interviews with small samples of stakeholders, second-guessing the conclusions already arrived at. It is only once we are sure that our client or customer onboarding strategy has the best possible chance to succeed, that we proceed rolling out our first brand onboarding campaign.

Our Stakeholder Alignment Services

Internal Brand Onboarding

When you’re rebranding as a business, internal brand onboarding helps to share your new brand vision with your employees. This not only helps to ensure your branding is completely consistent throughout your business, but it will also encourage them to believe in the values of the brand. When you work with an experienced onboarding agency with a branding background, we can create thorough brand guidelines to make the internal onboarding a success.

External Brand Onboarding

External brand onboarding can refer to either new employees or new stakeholders. When a new employee knows what your business wants to achieve and what is important to them from the beginning, they will have a better understanding and it will ensure everyone is working towards the same goal from the get-go. In terms of new stakeholders, for example new clients or customers, good brand onboarding plays a key role in helping them truly understand the brand and the core values that you stand by, to encourage trust and loyalty. From your visual identity to verbal identity, and web development to brand naming, get this right and it can transform your onboarding.

Brand Audits

As part of the stakeholder alignment process, including customer and client onboarding, we conduct brand audits to identify the strengths of your brand currently, along with the gaps, to then create a stronger overall strategy. Knowing where your brand currently stands with an audit before looking at ways it can be built upon is key to making the brand onboarding process as effective as possible.

Employee Consultation

Whilst you know your business through and through from the top level, no one knows more about the day-to-day, hands-on running of the business than your employees. So, to make stakeholder alignment and onboarding brand strategy highly effective, getting your employees input on your brand through employee consultations is important. This helps you to gain insights based on real experiences of your workforce, to identify gaps and any changes that could be made based on their own onboarding process.

Our Stakeholder Alignment Process

As with any of our processes, we always start off with thinking before doing.

Defining your goals

We start the stakeholder alignment or customer onboarding process by defining your goals for brand onboarding and identifying your core goals as a business that you want everyone involved to work towards.

Onboarding strategy analysis

From here, we look at the current onboarding strategy as well as your brand guidelines. We will also conduct employee consultations to see where the gaps currently lie and how new employees, customers or stakeholders could become better aligned through onboarding from the start of their time with you.

Mapping out onboarding strategy

We will then map out your new brand onboarding strategy. This can vary from a rebranding launch event to a new set of brand guidelines or an email campaign, with every business being different.

Success metrics

Once everyone is happy with the proposed strategy, we can help you to roll it out and set up success metrics, such as employee retention rates and customer metrics like time to first value.

Review system

Finally, we can suggest a review system to help you continue to work on your brand onboarding. Every stakeholder, employee, client or customer is different, and so is what they look for when onboarding, so consistently looking for ways to improve is key.

Stakeholder Alignment FAQ's

What does good brand onboarding look like?

The forms that good brand onboarding campaigns take can vary greatly from company to company, from a video presentation to a one-off launch event, to exceptional video and motion for the website or a tailored landing page to an email campaign – there are a lot of approaches we can take, and it is only with the previous stages that we can be sure of the option that is most likely to succeed. During the planning stages, we would recommend any components of stakeholder, client or customer onboarding that we think will work well, to put together an overall strategy.

What is stakeholder alignment in relation to branding?

Stakeholder alignment in relation to branding is all about making sure that everyone who is important to you as a business clearly understands your core values and culture. From your customers to clients and employees to shareholders, everyone should have a thorough understanding of who you are and what you stand for, and onboarding is a good way to do it.

For employees and shareholders, this will strengthen your business internally and improve retention rate. In terms of clients and customers, when it’s clear who you are as a business, it improves engagement and trust, to help you develop long-term relationships. Focusing on your stakeholder alignment strategy with a trusted agency can help transform your business from many different perspectives.

How can you measure stakeholder alignment?

After you implement a stakeholder alignment strategy, whether it’s customer onboarding, client onboarding or an internal rebrand, measuring it helps to ensure that everyone is aligned with the brand as you wanted.

Gathering feedback through things like interviews, focus groups and testimonials after launch, as well as looking at KPIs through analytics software and reports, will let you see the extent to which the stakeholder alignment strategy has worked in improving the relationship between key people to your business and their understanding of the brand. This can be part of your strategy with us as a brand onboarding agency, to ensure that the theory is put into practice as hoped. Further adjustments can be made to the strategy if required following the measurement phase.

Why is brand onboarding so important?

Brand onboarding in any form, whether it’s bringing new employees into your business, you’re rebranding or you’re wanting to better align stakeholders, it’s such an important part of a business. Having a core set of values as a business and knowing who you are, then communicating it clearly to everyone who is important to your business will help to improve brand loyalty, increase customer retention and ensure that trust for your business is maintained. Ultimately, when you have a strong internal brand and a good external presence for your brand, you will strengthen your business and improve conversions. This is possible with the right brand onboarding agency.

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