Visual Identity

Visual Brand Identity Agency in Manchester.

Visual brand identity is everything to a business. Having a cohesive brand across platforms is key to dominating in your industry, which our brand identity agency can help you to do.

A consistent and effective visual brand identity design can transform your business. It has the ability to unify your campaigns, channels and corporate identity to strengthen your brand, build awareness and ultimately achieve your business objectives. As a Manchester-based brand identity agency, we have the experience and passion to give your business a new visual identity through brand design. We set ourselves apart with the attention to detail we pay when creating a new brand identity that can scale up and organically evolve, as well as our unparalleled level of creativity.

Visual Identity

It’s probably the best-known business ‘secret’: in most cases, your customers are buying into you as opposed to your products. That means that your website, brand identity and logo design shape what customers think of you long before you get the chance to speak to them.

The time of the hard sell is over. Customers today have much greater choices in saturated markets, and the real legwork is done internally as they research your company. Rather than aggressive sales tactics, now you communicate your USPs through visual branding design and content. That’s why working with the right brand identity agency is key to creating an effective visual identity that’s consistent across a range of platforms (such as digital design, print and advertising).

By investing in your brand’s visual identity design with BGN, you can see your brand identity come to life – as we set about creating sketches, mood boards and digital mock-ups. Then our brand identity team in Manchester considers everything from the typography to the colour palette and create guidelines. This allows you to reinforce your brand’s message without constantly needing the support of ad hoc graphic design work.

Our Visual Brand Identity Services

Logo Design

One key factor in visual identity design is the logo. It should be flexible and reflect your brand personality which is easily applicable to a range of platforms. We can help you do this and will give you a selection of options so your visual identity is perfect.

Visual Identity Systems

Having a thorough visual identity system, sometimes referred to as brand guidelines, is key for keeping consistent branding across your business and platforms. Your visual identity system will outline all elements of your visual branding, from logo variations to typography, iconography, motion style and colour palettes, so every sector in your business has cohesive branding.


Branding typography is an essential part of any successful brand identity. It helps to communicate the company’s personality and values, while also helping to distinguish it from its competitors. From selecting the right typeface to using colours and fonts correctly, our brand identity agency in Manchester uses typography to create a strong visual impact that will help your brand stand out from the competition.


Branding iconography is an essential element of any successful business. Working with a brand identity agency to create a visual identity that represents your brand is key, which can be used in marketing materials and across multiple platforms, from packaging to social campaigns. Iconography can be used to communicate the values and mission of a company, as well as to create an emotional connection with customers.


Having a consistent photography style for your brand identity is key, from standardising dimensions to product positioning and editing. This helps to encourage trust and creates great visual consistency for your business. The tone of your photography will also incite certain emotions from your customers, so considering your photography from a branding perspective with the help of a brand identity agency is essential.

Motion Style

When done well, video and motion content can command attention like nothing else, so having clear guidelines about how you want this to look in terms of brand identity and to create fantastic quality content that resonates with users is essential for your business. With increased competition in terms of saturated digital spaces, setting your business apart with a unique and impressive motion style can be transformative.

Distinctive Asset ID and Development

Part of the visual identity design process at our agency in Manchester is creating distinctive asset ID’s to evoke a sense of individuality as well as having practical benefits for your brand and business.

Our Visual Brand Identity Process As An Agency

As with any of our processes, we always start off with thinking before doing.

Getting to know your business

Our agency can’t highlight your strengths through brand design without first knowing what they are. This is why our visual brand identity process begins with getting to know your business through and through, to help evolve your brand and give you the tools to become a key player in your industry.

Collaborative exploration

From here, we will begin to put together visual identity mood boards, showing you which of your strengths influenced our ideas and offering an outsider’s perspective of your place in the market. This is very much a collaborative step to establish a path for your brand based on initial feedback of our ideas.

Brand design

Once you’re happy with the general direction of your brand identity, we’ll begin designing your brand. The handful of concepts that get chosen will be fleshed out and fine-tuned with your guidance by our visual design team in Manchester so that we nail your preferred direction.

Brand guidelines

Once all of the fine details of your visual brand identity have been signed off, we will create your visual identity system, or brand guidelines, to outline every tiny detail of your new visual brand design to ensure consistency across your brand and business.

Tools for success

At the end of your branding design project with our agency in Manchester, you’ll have everything you need to engage audiences and cement yourself as a key player in your industry.

Brand Identity FAQ's

Is the visual brand identity process with BGN collaborative?

As the leading brand identity agency in Manchester, every process of what we do is collaborative, to ensure we strike the perfect balance between our visual design process and the core values and meaning of your business. We pride ourselves on taking the time to gather all the information necessary before starting any brand design. This information will include business goals, history, audience, competitors, the personality of your brand and everything else you want to portray. This sets the parameters that guide the whole branding design process with us. As we include you in this process, you can rest assured that your visual brand identity will be right for you.

Isn't my logo just my brand identity?

Your brand’s visual identity is so much more than just your logo. Your visual identity includes typography, colour scheme, tone and a range of other factors. As a leading brand identity agency in Manchester, we have worked with some top household brands that have needed a new brand identity to reach their customer's needs. Your brand identity should encompass the experience you want to portray, highlight your USPs and show how you understand your audience whilst always remaining relevant.

Why is brand identity so important?

A good visual brand identity is essential for any business or organisation. It helps create a strong and recognisable brand image that customers can identify with. A good visual identity should be able to communicate the company's values and mission, as well as its unique personality. It should also be able to capture the attention of potential customers and make them want to learn more about the company or organisation. To create a successful visual brand design, there are several elements that must be taken into consideration, such as colour palette, typography, logo design, imagery and more. All of these elements need to work together in harmony to create an effective brand identity that will help build customer loyalty and trust in the brand. They also then need to be accurately implemented across all channels, from web development and design considerations through to your brand naming, which working with our trusted brand identity agency in Manchester will help you to do.

What makes a good brand identity?

A strong brand identity should be:

  • Distinct: It should be unique and bold. You are after a differentiator from your competitors.
  • Memorable: You should make a lasting impression and experience
  • Scalable: The brand identity should be able to grow with your brand. If you are branching out to new services, selling new products or meeting new audiences, your brand identity needs to show this.
  • Flexible: It needs to work across all platforms, from print and digital to marketing platforms.
  • Cohesive: every piece of your visual identity should work together harmoniously to keep your messaging and content consistent.

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