A Little Big Christmas campaign for a luxury shopping destination.

Victoria Leeds

Visit Site

Campaign, Digital, Strategy and Video

The Story

Victoria Leeds is a premium retail destination in the heart of the city, offering shopping, food, drink and entertainment options to its discerning customers. At Christmas the scheme turns into a magical festive destination with things to see and do for all the family, so we created a campaign to promote all the exciting activity going on.

The Challenge

Victoria Leeds needed a campaign to drive awareness of their festive offering, and in turn, drive footfall to the shopping and leisure destination during the Christmas period. At Victoria Leeds, there are festive lights, artificial snow, and a magical window installation featuring luxury goods to inspire grown-ups, as well as a mini window into a magical world to wow the little ones.

Our Approach

Our creative was centred around the 'Little Big' window installation, putting it centre stage and as the jewel-in-the-crown of both the festive offering and our creative campaign. With this in mind, we created a festive illustration of not only the different parts of Victoria Leeds, but of Leeds as a whole - showcasing the iconic architecture of the shopping destination, as well as other Leeds landmarks.


The festive scene we created contained many small discoverables, such as characters dotted throughout, enjoying the festive season at Victoria Leeds. Each smaller scene highlights the different Christmas offerings, from enjoying festive food and drinks, shopping for gifts or looking for a stylish outfit.